Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Venzana / Microphones: Neumann

Back of this Venzana mandolin
built up with brazilian rosewood

Giuseppe Vinaccia

Though there's no label in this mandolin, some typical
features of the way Giuseppe Vinaccia built his instruments
are there:  The "bulb" on the back where the neck is
fitted on the body, the inlay, the form of the scratchplate
and last but not least: its' sound. It is not that these
mandolins are sounding way louder but the definition
and the detailed sound makes them sought after.

I bought this mandolin being a genuine Pasquale Vinaccia
mandolin though suspects are that the soundboard has
been replaced in the past. Vinaccia conaisseurs said
the back to be from Vinaccia but not the top.

Neumann Microphones

For many musicians adding microphones as an instrument
might be misplaced. However, I think the most faithful
reproducing microphones that really catch all subtleties
and tonecolours of an instrument simply deserve this.

Represented here is the combination of the KM100 with
the 40 Capsule (cardiod). I've recorded with cheaper
microphones in the same placement and with the same
guitar and I have to conclude: These mics are a stand
alone when quality counts. They are not cheap but when
you are serious in your recording process they're worth
every penny! The KM 184 is a simpler version and its'
capsule is not interchangeable but the same standards.

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