Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Armando Gimenez Guitar SOLD

Armando Gimenez classical guitar
Made in Torondojimeno (north of Granada)
in 1964. Little information can be found.


marchalong said...

I do have the same guitar by Armando Gimenez, dated 1963, number 248. Same label. I always loved it and found its sound excellent. I probably bought it 1964 or 65.

Sam said...


Someone made me an offer for a similar guitar, but I don't have any idea of its value. Is it possible to know how much that one was sold ? If anybody has an information that could help me, it would be great.


Unknown said...

Bonjour je possède une guitare acoustique de Armando commentez de 1967 tipo15 N°6hi merci de me donner des informations

Cohen said...

J'ai la numéro 69 de 1960, tipo 15.